Welcome Home by Dan

First, an apology: At we strive to keep up to date as much as we possibly can. Unfortunately, we all are students and are subject to deadlines and busy periods throughout the year. Rest assured, though, we are back and we’re not going anywhere.

Now, to the fun stuff:

Hope everyone’s break was amazing and all that it could be. A lot of people have for the most part, gotten over the fashion shows (scars healing, friendships mending, hangovers finally susbising etc) but there is one thing thats pretty much universally asked: where can we get the music? Well my friends, the time has come to talk of just that. Below is the music from both FS and DW with direct download links. Enjoy this beautiful ear candy and next time someone tells you St. Andrews doesn’t have a music scene, you show them these.

Dont Walk

professor purp+gavris+dirty hard electro

Dont Walk 2010 First Half:

Dont Walk 2010 Second Half:

Professor Purple’s After Party:

gaVris’s Dont Walk Just Fuckin Dance:


Tocadisco Rocking FS:X

FS:X Part 1

FS:X Part 2

FS:X Part 3

FS:X Part 4

FS:X Part 5

FS:X Part 6

FS:X Part 7

Photos by Ben Goulter

FS:X Menswear by Indie

Well I think we’ve all recovered from FS:X on Saturday night and that has given us some time to recollect our thoughts and reflect on the fashion. For St. Andrews a benchmark has definitely been set. We saw a lot of smart clothing kicking off with the SS/10 collection from Jaeger, and this all looked very good contrasted against the rough industrial background. We were a bit disappointed with the lack of heat, but I think the copious amount of alcohol made up for this point. If we were cold whilst fully clothed the models must have been absolutely frozen!

However we were impressed with the professional feel to the show and enjoyed almost all of the clothes presented, despite the lack of coherency amongst some of the collections. But some of the big brands sourced by the team at FS:X made up for this with awesome styles. A particular favourite was the Nicole Fahri menswear which picked up on the key trends of  injections of colour fused with pastels. A particular outfit that caught our eye is the one pictured above – the combination of the soft orange shorts and sky blue shirt are bought to life with the bright green weekend bag. With spring just around the corner, we hope to see a lot more colour in our wardrobes!

We preferred the styles shown in the second half of the show and they seemed particularly fitting to the trends that we have already noticed in St Andrews – but you know we may just be suckers for jackets and suits rather than casual wear. Our personal favourite in this category was the range of tweed style blazers displayed by We Love Pumpkin – picking up on the growing trend of juxtaposing classic masculine styles with a splash of bright colours and even some floral prints. We thought the classic take on tweed with the addition of multicoloured cuffs, collars and pockets worked exceptionally well. The look continued with an addition of striped undershirts that helped accent the trim – there was even a Scottish flare when combined with a kilt (pictured above).

This smart tone was continued with a few classically styled Hilfiger pieces, which is always nice to see. However we feel this collegiate tone was let down with a bit too much Jack Wills, if we wanted to see this we could have popped into their store. This got worse with a collection from Superdry – that was not the sort of fashion we expected from such a prestigious show. But don’t be put off because this was recovered with some edgy but sharp clothing from London by D.S Dunee – and by this point I think everyone was too caught up in the party to care!Well done guys.

(article by Sam & Indie)

(images thanks to: Molly Minton, Ben Goulter, Fraser Cameron & Swithin Lui)

Butlers Goes Sweet by Katie
February 27, 2010, 1:41 pm
Filed under: food | Tags: , ,

I got a little overexcited when I heard the news, but after trying one of Butler’s new sweet wraps I was pretty let down to find out that it’s not actually a crepe.  Advertised on the window are three wraps, with filling combinations of apples, sugar, cranberry, peanut butter, banana, and nutella, however they were out of most of the ingredients when I tried to order one.  They put the fillings in the same wrap bread as their normal wraps and toast it quesadilla style and cut it into thirds.  My apple cranberry and sugar one didn’t really do the trick… I might just stick to trying all their new varieties of wraps that keep popping up on decorative signs.  Everyone is a little bit crepe crazy, and I look forward to see if the rumored late night crepe stand outside the union materializes, and there’s no doubt that crepes at FS tonight will be in high demand, cant’t wait!

Just In Time For Christmas: Urban Jungle Edition by Dan

As if this town needed any more beauty, here come the first shoots from FS:X’s campaign. Set somewhere out of town (perhaps a hint as to where the show is gonna be this year?) these photos need no explanation (that being said, I’m gonna give one). Upon first look, these photos, I have to say, are phenomenal. After a while though, they begin to separate themselves in to two groups: perfect or rushed. The first photo – the one of the girl on the bottom of that industrial looking slide – is EPIC and I can absolutely see why FS:X choose to use that as the cover for their magazine. Some of the other photos – the jump rope one especially – are also so well done – it looks like they spent a lot of time putting together these photos both composition wise and technically. Some of the others, though, seem rushed. One I’m thinking of in particular is the photo of the three models against the wall. Its as though the shutter speed was too slow for the light levels – something that could’ve easily been resolved. It just feels hurried. Above all else, however, these photos display how original and professional this fashion show can be. I am definately looking forward to this show, wherever it may be.

For more on FS:X, check out their website.

Creative Sustenance. by Elise
November 19, 2009, 3:27 pm
Filed under: Fashion | Tags: , ,

I don’t know all that much about food. However, I am super intrigued by anything blending food and fashion. A while back I received an advertisement for an FS:X wrap from Butler, an FS:X smoothie from Juicylicious, and a FS:X cocktail from Number 40.

I was going to take a picture of the FS:X wrap and the smoothie but unfortunately I ate them first. The wrap was probably one of the better ones I’ve had at Butler, believe it or not. I don’t know how much thought went into the actual conception of the wrap but it was delicious regardless. The smoothie had peaches, blueberries, lemon juice, apple juice, and yogurt (and not just lettuce and air as one person speculated). A little tart, but in the best way.

I commend the FS:X team for finding a way to advertise their much anticipated show in such a creative way. Everyone gets sick of just seeing signs in the windows of Hope Street flats. But advertising creatively in St. Andrews is more difficult than it seems. The legislation for that kind of thing (and the Union rules) are a little more stringent than one might imagine. But the FS:X method is successful: deliciously satisfying! We’ll be trying the Number 40 cocktail tonight.