you are what you wear by celeste

Just for a moment, think about what you would be if you were : a) what you ate and b) what you wore. I’m assuming that both answers will (in most cases) be grim. As someone with fashion and sustainability constantly on my mind, i think it is truly important to transfer one’s core values into their fashion and lifestyle. Above are some delightful designs via BOA’s hand-made, organic ‘Pamuk’ collection. This Istanbul-based brand is gaining global appeal (thus it is also relevant to all of us at st andrews), and embraces eclectic worldly styles as well as sustainability! Instead of describing them more, i will let you all look them up for yourselves on the internets. Still not convinced? I’m going to go off on a little tangent and leave you with some food for thought… Continue reading

Goodbye, Winter by celeste

In Scotland, summer seems eons away. At London Fashion Week summer is right around the bend. Color is definitely in store for the upcoming months, ergo this brilliant photo from the Pam Hogg Catwalk Show in London! Keep your eyes peeled not only for the photos from the London, Paris, and New York Fashion weeks, but also for the highly anticipated and quickly approaching St Andrews fashion events Continue reading

Being Vegan: A Student’s Tale by Dan
February 9, 2011, 2:24 pm
Filed under: General, Insider Information | Tags: , , , , , , ,

A few months ago, I spent 21 days as a Vegan. For those who don’t know, vegans don’t eat anything that comes from animals (so no meat, dairy, eggs, or even honey). For a more in-depth description, see the video below:
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Emmanuelle Alt by Olive
January 9, 2011, 12:40 pm
Filed under: Announcements, Fashion, General, Insider Information | Tags: , , , ,

Look who’s finally been announced as Carine Roitfeld’s successor at Vogue Paris. I’m excited!

Man Repeller by Olive

Ok. I know I really should be revising. But I’m not.

So, I thought I’d share a link with you because it has made my day. Occasionally I will construct an outfit that, Continue reading

Welly Ball by Indie

It’s nearly a week later, but it still feels like the morning after the night before. Yes, Welly Ball was the perfect way to start Raisin weekend once again…

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Romeo&Juliet by Indie
November 24, 2010, 6:16 pm
Filed under: Announcements, Events, General | Tags:

This play is one of Shakespeare’s most well known pieces, and this weekend it will be performed in St Andrews by some of our finest Thespians! Unlike the versions we have seen, this performance is taking the play back to its Elizabethan glory! It will have an all male cast (strictly no females allowed on stage!), with live music, period costume, sword fights, and lots of Shakespearean drama to take you back to fair Verona! The play will be held in Younger Hall, and for the true Globe theatre feel the audience will have the option of “groundling” or “balcony” seats.  There will also be festive refreshments to help you escape the books for a few hours!It looks like it is going to be a really good show – buy your tickets at:

Raisin. by Indie
November 16, 2010, 8:16 pm
Filed under: Announcements, Events, General, Raisin Weekend

Reading week has passed and hopefully everyone is well rested and revitalised for the rest of the term,that is what people think…but really reading week recharges the batteries for what everyone knows is going to be a manic weekend of parties, dress-up and lots of foam!

Being a third year this year I am extra excited for Raisin, as it is a chance to have a party with my own academic kids and those of my friends too! Everyone seems to be coming up with strategies and planning wild activities that are only socially acceptable for one weekend a year, in one tiny town! This had me wondering how many people know what the tradition of Raisin actually is…so I thought I’d give a brief summery behind the history of the upcoming weekend using the internet as my (not so) trusty source.

The tradition started off as a day where first year students would give a pound of raisins to their academic parents as a thank you for guiding them through the first few weeks of their university life. This was meant to come with a receipt from the parents acknowledging that they would follow through with this gift – failure to do so saw freshers being soaked in the fountain (on  Market St.)…but that has now turned into the foam fight. And the pound of raisins that was meant to be given at a “tea party” has been swapped for something a little more fun…

I wonder how this change in the next few hundred years!

Happy Raisin from!

(photograph via the Telegraph)

Socks and Scandals by celeste

I know i shouldn’t, but in the right situation I really truly enjoy socks and heels. Yes, it is a huge faux pas, but then again fashion is about standing out…right? Continue reading

Harem Pants: You Decide ! by celeste

Everywhere i go i seem to run into harem pants of all shapes and sizes, and, surprisingly, gracing the legs of both men and women! But… is this ‘trend’ going anywhere? While some people can definitely look like divas in Harem Pants, the other end of the spectrum looks a bit like Aladdin role play… Continue reading